Integration of Public Finance Administration into ISO 9001 Total Quality Management In Chronology; although they show different progress from each others, today Total Quality Management (TQM) and Internal Auditing are two management concepts that are in mutual interaction and provide help for development of each other. TQM is a human based management concept that aims to increase customer satisfaction and enhance quality with decreasing cost in organizations. Internal Auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consultancy action on organization’s efficiency, productivity and accordance with laws and regulations. In this study; interrelation of public financial administration and TQM, how they interact each other and their size are displayed with searching lots of related scientific resources and a sample from public is given about application. In this study internal auditing is accepted as a management philosophy which has an important in TQM, and also which Exhausted risk, IT systems, internal Auditing Process, relationship with environment, performance and quality. At the end of study we can easily say that the new financial system realizes the ISO 9001 standards a high degree.
Integration of Public Finance Administration into ISO 9001 Total Quality Management.

Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi

Volum 2 | Număr 1 | Publicat la 06/06/2012 | ISSN  1308-5549

Hakan , Ömer ERDOĞAN, KİTAPÇI [1]
[1] Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü İşletme Fakültesi
In Chronology; although they show different progress from each others, today Total Quality Management (TQM) and Internal Auditing are two management concepts that are in mutual interaction and provide help for development of each other. TQM is a human based management concept that aims to increase customer satisfaction and enhance quality with decreasing cost in organizations. Internal Auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consultancy action on organization’s efficiency, productivity and accordance with laws and regulations. In this study; interrelation of public financial administration and TQM, how they interact each other and their size are displayed with searching lots of related scientific resources and a sample from public is given about application. In this study internal auditing is accepted as a management philosophy which has an important in TQM, and also which Exhausted risk, IT systems, internal Auditing Process, relationship with environment, performance and quality. At the end of study we can easily say that the new financial system realizes the ISO 9001 standards a high degree.
Cuvinte cheie:
ISO 9001, Public finance administration

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