The Effects of 1929 Economic Depression and 2008 Global Crisis on Turkey’s Economy In this paper; effects of 1929 Economic Depression and 2008 Global Crisis on Turkey’s economy is studied with the help of selected indicators. Turkey, which had an agriculture oriented economy during 1929 Depression, experienced a deflationist process caused by fallings at agricultural product prices; shrank in the economy and widely decreases at foreign trade volume. 2008 Global Crisis effected Turkish economy negatively in terms of multiple economic variables such as huge depreciations in the stock market, shrinkages in foreign trade volume, degradations in real sector and consumer confidence indexes etc.
The Effects of 1929 Economic Depression and 2008 Global Crisis on Turkey’s Economy.

Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi

Volum 2 | Număr 1 | Publicat la 06/06/2012 | ISSN  1308-5549

Nihat, Erhan IŞIK, DUMAN [1]
[1] Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi İİBF
In this paper; effects of 1929 Economic Depression and 2008 Global Crisis on Turkey’s economy is studied with the help of selected indicators. Turkey, which had an agriculture oriented economy during 1929 Depression, experienced a deflationist process caused by fallings at agricultural product prices; shrank in the economy and widely decreases at foreign trade volume. 2008 Global Crisis effected Turkish economy negatively in terms of multiple economic variables such as huge depreciations in the stock market, shrinkages in foreign trade volume, degradations in real sector and consumer confidence indexes etc.
Cuvinte cheie:
Turkey’s Economy, 1929 Economic Depression, 2008 Global Crisis

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