Relationships among Shopping Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility of Shopping Centers and Consumer Satisfaction: Case from Novi Sad (Serbia) Taking into consideration satisfied customer as necessary for business maintenance,
companies are trying to discover determinants which have the biggest influence on their
consumer satisfaction. Here are presented two factors that have influence on consumer
satisfaction in shopping centers: quality of shopping and corporate social responsibility. In
this research, each of these factors had six elements. The results of the regression analysis
are that “Value for money in stores” (beta=0.387, p=0.000) has the greatest impact on
satisfaction when shopping quality performance is concerned, and that “Retailer support for
(national/local) cultural and sport events“ (beta=0.333, p<0.001) has the greatest impact on
satisfaction in the case of CSR performance. Further analysis showed the difference in
consumer perception of corporate social responsibility, depending on their occupation and
level of education. It is also important to mention that consumers with environment and
empathic concern have higher scores perception of CSR. However, there is not statistically
important difference in consumer perception of shopping quality in shopping centers
Relationships among Shopping Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility of Shopping Centers and Consumer Satisfaction: Case from Novi Sad (Serbia).

Amfitreatru Economic

Volum 16 | Număr 35 | Publicat la 01/02/2014 | Pagini:  415 - 429 | ISSN  1582-9146 | eISSN  -

Slobodan Čerović [1] | Ivana Blešić [1]
[1] Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Taking into consideration satisfied customer as necessary for business maintenance,
companies are trying to discover determinants which have the biggest influence on their
consumer satisfaction. Here are presented two factors that have influence on consumer
satisfaction in shopping centers: quality of shopping and corporate social responsibility. In
this research, each of these factors had six elements. The results of the regression analysis
are that “Value for money in stores” (beta=0.387, p=0.000) has the greatest impact on
satisfaction when shopping quality performance is concerned, and that “Retailer support for
(national/local) cultural and sport events“ (beta=0.333, p<0.001) has the greatest impact on
satisfaction in the case of CSR performance. Further analysis showed the difference in
consumer perception of corporate social responsibility, depending on their occupation and
level of education. It is also important to mention that consumers with environment and
empathic concern have higher scores perception of CSR. However, there is not statistically
important difference in consumer perception of shopping quality in shopping centers
Cuvinte cheie:
Corporate social responsibility, Shopping centers, Shopping quality, Consumer satisfaction.

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