Aceasta sectiune contine arhiva in format electronic a revistei. Toate articolele publicate pot fi descarcate aici in mod individual.

Textul complet este disponibil pentru articole publicate dupa 2006. Abstracte si citari sunt disponibile pentru toate articolele publicate dupa 2001.

Număr 1 (Volum 3)
1 Articole

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Abdulaziz Saeed Alqahtani, The Effect of International University Rankings on King Khalid Universities' Performance, 5Ondřej Machek, Jiří Janota, The Relationship between Physical Activity and Academic Achievement of University Students, 22Vinu Sherimon, Sherimon P.C., Staff Perceptions on Implementation and Challenges of Student Centered Pedagogy: A Case Study, 37Richard Nalarb Yakubu, Suuk Laar, Gilbert Ansoglenang, A Governance Approach to the Management of Quality Assurance in the University for Development Studies, Ghana, 61Ana-Maria Stan,Romanian University Historians in the 1930s and 1940s – the Case of Dimitrie Todoranu, Professor at the University of Cluj, 87