A Postmodern Road Movie: Alexa Visarion's The Green Moon In this article, Dr. Tomuș is analyzing The Green Moon, one of Alexa Visarion’s latest movies. Although the author very clearly warns the reader that it was never the director’s intention to create a road movie, there are a series of elements in the film that all lead to this interpretation. Besides the most important and eloquent fact, that the characters are all undertaking a journey of initiation, the author of the article also identifies other elements that will support his theory: the family, as a nucleus, is breaking down, some of the characters are suffering from a strong Oedipus complex and there is an overwhelming need to find their inner selves. The problems regarding the mechanization of everyday life and of its consequences is also analyzed by the author.
A Postmodern Road Movie: Alexa Visarion's The Green Moon.

Cinematographic Art&Documentation

Volum | Număr 12(16) | Publicat la 01/11/2015 | ISSN  1844-2803

Ion M. Tomus
In this article, Dr. Tomuș is analyzing The Green Moon, one of Alexa Visarion’s latest movies. Although the author very clearly warns the reader that it was never the director’s intention to create a road movie, there are a series of elements in the film that all lead to this interpretation. Besides the most important and eloquent fact, that the characters are all undertaking a journey of initiation, the author of the article also identifies other elements that will support his theory: the family, as a nucleus, is breaking down, some of the characters are suffering from a strong Oedipus complex and there is an overwhelming need to find their inner selves. The problems regarding the mechanization of everyday life and of its consequences is also analyzed by the author.

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