The Extra-Phenomenal

Everything is phenomenon, everything is gift, or everything is given. This presupposition of phenomenology, which makes givenness (Gegebenheit) the starting point for phenomenality, is not altogether self-evident. It is not sufficient to look merely at the reverse of the gift (phenomenology of the night), but it is a matter of questioning the impossibility of even giving (the night of phenomenology). Questioning the strategies of the contemporary reappropriations of Kant—radicalization (Heidegger), disproportion (Ricœur), and inversion (Marion)—this text works under a fourth possibility, seldom examined and yet still envisaged by Kant: the “Extra-Phenomenal”, or in other words, the “Chaos”, the “pell-mell”, the “Cinnabar”, or the “melee of sensations”.

The Extra-Phenomenal.

Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy

Volum 1 | Număr 1 | Publicat la 31/05/2018 | Pagini:  9 - 28 | 10.24193/diakrisis.2018.1 | ISSN  2601-7261 | eISSN  2601-7415

Emmanuel Falque [1]
[1] The Catholic University of Paris

Everything is phenomenon, everything is gift, or everything is given. This presupposition of phenomenology, which makes givenness (Gegebenheit) the starting point for phenomenality, is not altogether self-evident. It is not sufficient to look merely at the reverse of the gift (phenomenology of the night), but it is a matter of questioning the impossibility of even giving (the night of phenomenology). Questioning the strategies of the contemporary reappropriations of Kant—radicalization (Heidegger), disproportion (Ricœur), and inversion (Marion)—this text works under a fourth possibility, seldom examined and yet still envisaged by Kant: the “Extra-Phenomenal”, or in other words, the “Chaos”, the “pell-mell”, the “Cinnabar”, or the “melee of sensations”.

Cuvinte cheie:
phenomenology, donation, night, extra-phenomenal, Cinnabar, melee of sensations, madness, trauma, sickness

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