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Contents Vol. I No. 1/2011


Contents Vol. I No. 1/2011


Onomastics and Linguistics


Aspects historiques de l'anthroponymie roumaine

Aspecte istorice ale antroponimiei româneşti

Domniţa TOMESCU.....................................................................................................................................9

Romanian-Spanish Onomastics Interferences

Interferenţe onomastice româno-spaniole

Ioana JIEANU………….............................................................................................................................................19

Proper Names in Romanian Fixed Expressions: Challenges in Translation

Nume proprii în expresii fixe româneşti: provocări în traducere

Adina NICOLAE……………….................................................................................................................27



Onomastics and Culture


Aspects of Anthroponomy in Romanian Formulaic Expression

Aspecte ale antroponimiei în expresiile româneşti cu caracter formular

Gabriela DUDA, Cristina GAFU.................................................................................................................41

Meta Incognita: Naming as Renaming in the Early Modern Exploration

of the New World

Meta Incognita: Toponime noi şi vechi în călătoriile către Lumea Nouă

ale exploratorilor din epoca modernă timpurie

Petruţa NĂIDUŢ…......................................................................................................................................50

Pas-de-noms/ Plus de noms. Derrida and Blanchot

Pas-de-noms/ Plus de noms. Derrida şi Blanchot

Arleen IONESCU........................................................................................................................................59


Onomastics and Literature


In Search of "what's in a name": The English Pessoa as Poet as SHAKESPEARE,

and the Case of SuperCamões

În căutarea a ce-i într-un nume": englezul Pessoa ca poetul ca SHAKESPEARE şi cazul SuperCamões

Mihaela IRIMIA......................................................................................................................................73

Onomastic Strategies in Contemporary Fiction

Strategii onomastice în literatura contemporană

Anca Mihaela DOBRINESCU....................................................................................................................84

Mimicking Subjection to the Name- of- the -Father in Harold Pinter's The Homecoming

Mimarea supunerii faţă de Numele Tatălui în Întoarcerea acasă de Harold Pinter

Alina Elena ROŞCA. ..................................................................................................................................92

Symbolique religieuse et noms des personnages chez Sylvie Germain

Simbolistică religioasă şi onomastica personajului în opera lui Sylvie Germain

Serenela GHIŢEANU................................................................................................................................100

Mircea Cărtărescu's Levantul. Foreground and Background Anthroponyms

Antroponimele de prim plan şi de fundal în Levantul lui Mircea Cărtărescu

Adelina FARIAS........................................................................................................................................107

A Few Considerations on Names in Apuleius' Metamorphoses

Câteva consideraţii asupra numelor în romanul lui Apuleius, Metamorfoze

Cristina IRIDON....………………………………………………………………………………………118

"Compartmentation of personality for the purpose of literary utterance":

Pseudonymity and heteronymity in the various lives of Flann O'Brien

"Compartimentarea personalităţii în vederea expresiei literare":

Pseudonimie şi heteronymie în diferitele vieţi ale lui Flann O'Brien

Adrian OŢOIU….......................................................................................................................................128




The Complex Vowel Segment. A New Name: Tetraphtongs. Contextual Achievements

Segmentul vocalic dezvoltat (complex). Un nou nume: tetraftongii. Realizări contextuale

Cătălin ENICĂ...........................................................................................................................................141

The Spanish Civil War and its (Welsh) Afterlives: Memorialisation as a Political Act

Războiul civil în Spania şi reprezentările sale postbelice galeze: memorialul ca act politic

Anindya RAYCHAUDHURI....................................................................................................................151

Pour un modèle dynamique du temps présent

Pentru un model dinamic al timpului prezent

Laurenţiu THEBAN.…..............................................................................................................................164



Răzvan SĂFTOIU………………………………………………………………………………………..172



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  • Revistă: Word and Text- A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics
  • Editură Editura Universitatii Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti
  • Redactor şef Laurent Milesi
  • ISSN 2069-9271
  • eISSN 2247 – 9163
  • Data ultimului număr 30 Iun 2011
  • Data urmatorului număr 30 Dec 2011

Rezumat Rezumat




If Postcommunism designates the period of political and economic transition from communism to democracy after the dramatic events of 1989 (the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Velvet Revolution in Prague and the Romanian revolution, to name but a few) period which was dominated by the rejection of Soviet communism legacies and associated institutions, symbols, vocabularies, socialist realism, postcolonialism is rooted in capitalist ideology.

Despite Derrida's timely Specters of Marx and the spate of critical activity that it generated, as well as Stéphane Courtois' The Black Book of Communism, whose responses varied from highly enthusiastic support to bitter criticism, and Eric Hobsbawn's or Vladimir Tismăneanu's accounts on an epoch that was to leave permanent traces in world history, out of all post's, postcommunism as such has not received the theoretical attention it would have otherwise deserved. Meant to go beyond communism's blurring of all differences and equalitarianism, postcommunism attempted to meet postcolonialism in precisely that point where it (de)constructs the Other through a politics of difference. Postcommunist countries felt both European and in the periphery of it and have been aware of having awaken to capitalism somewhat too lateand somewhat embedded in a reservoir of what the Westerners perceive as lacks of civilization.

This issue invites contributions on considering postcommunism postcolonialism's other, extending the concept of 'otherness' from the strictly philosophical meaning conceived by Hegel in his famous parable of the master-slave dialectic, and later made much more popular by Levinas' "infinite other" or Lacan's articulating the other with symbolic order to othering as the unconscious (Freud), the silent, the unsaid, insanity (Blanchot) to the political, social, cultural other, the other of language.

Prompting contributors to engage their own colonized otherness, the issue seeks contributions that will broaden our understanding of cultures of post-Communist societies through a variety of cultural and literary theories that proved to be of particular relevance to the study of the contemporary age (post-modernism, post-colonial theory, diaspora and globalisation.) The issue will attempt to rekindle the militant relevance and political involvement of cultural studies in the new context of postcommunist Europe from a range of perspectives that include (but are not limited to):

·           Marginalized cultures

·           Cultures of lies

·           Looking Westwards since 1989

·           Tradition, nostalgia and belated communism in post 1989 national identities

·           Cultural Diaspora and de-territorialization

·           Cultural contradictions of post-communism

·           Derrida's Reflections on Post1989 Europe (The Other Heading)

·           Postcommunist literatures

·           The emergence of new linguistic and discursive paradigms

·           Postcommunism in translation

·           Postcommunism in the West: around Le retour de Marx

We welcome interdisciplinary approaches, ranging across critical theory, literary studies, cultural studies, general and applied linguistics as well as other disciplines in the humanities. Contributors are advised to follow the journal's submission guidelines and stylesheet. The deadline for article submissions is 15 April 2012. The articles should be sent to as attachments to: All submitted articles will be peer-reviewed. Accepted articles will be returned for post-review revisions by 1 May and are expected back in their final version by 7 May.

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Word and Text

A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics (ISSN 2069-9271), formerly entitled Buletinul Universităţii Petrol-Gaze din Ploieşti, Seria Filologie, is a bi-annual peer-reviewed international journal in critical theory and linguistics. It publishes essays and reviews in English and French which explore general critical theory and its application to literature, as well as general and applied linguistics. Word and Text - A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics publishes critical work by established scholars and postgraduates ranging across critical theory, literary criticism and cultural studies, general and applied linguistics.

critical theory, literary criticism and cultural studies, general and applied linguistics critical theory, literary criticism and cultural studies, general and applied linguistics

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wordandtext2011@ wordandtext2011@

Our former editor-in-chief, Gabriela Duda, stepped down in July 2011 and our new editor-in-chief is Laurent Milesi, Cardiff University. Our former editor-in-chief, Gabriela Duda, stepped down in July 2011 and our new editor-in-chief is Laurent Milesi, Cardiff University.

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